
What is Leishmania ELISA?

Leishmania is the adroit abettor of leishmanioses. The abounding breed of the brand Leishmania pathogenic to bodies do not appearance morphological differences. They can be differentiated on the base of biological criteria, class analyzes the altered analytic pictures and epidemiological facts (see tab.).

Leishmania are transmitted by changeable mosquitoes of the genera Phlebotomus and Lutzomyia (?sandflies?), that action in warmer regions of countries in Asia, Africa, Europe (Mediterranean countries) and Latin America. The amastigote stages of the bacteria ingested by the insect with a claret meal are adapted in its civil into slender, bang promastigote forms, which accumulate and drift aback into the proboscis. When adulterated sandflies yield addition bloodmeal the promastigote forms are inoculated into a new host (humans or added vertebrates).

In the host the promastigotes bound (within 12-14 hours) transform into amastigote stages, which again appear in a action akin exocytosis and can affect new cells. In cutaneous and mucocutaneous leishmanioses the parasites about abide belted to the derma or derma and mucosa. Cutaneous leishmanioses lesions may abide for continued periods, but tend to alleviate spontaneously, admitting a greater addiction to annihilative changes is apparent in mucocutaneous leishmanioses infections. By adverse in belly leishmanioses the animal can access the absolute mononuclear phagocytic arrangement in assorted organs (spleen, liver, lymph, nodes, cartilage marrow, claret monocytes etc.), causing infections that are commonly baleful after treatment.