
the attention and post-processing waste of Osmium Tetroxide

Osmium tetroxide is a strong oxidant, pale yellow crystals, molecular weight 254, the concentration of
saturated aqueous solution of 7.24%, its water solution is neutral, significant toxic. There are
commercially available sealed crystal and osmium tetroxide  solution two. Osmium
tetroxide crystals dissolve in water very slowly, if necessary, you can use ultrasound equipment to
speed up dissolution. The market has been prepared from 2% osmium tetroxide solution sale, use very
convenient. But special attention is either crystal or aqueous solution of osmium tetroxide osmium
tetroxide are volatile gas and should therefore be placed in osmium tetroxide airtight container (glass
containers) to save. Osmium tetroxide gas on the respiratory system irritation, serious eye damage
effect, so be especially careful in the use of as much as possible in a fume hood, and strictly control
the dosage. Osmium tetroxide solution waste should be added to ferrous sulfate aqueous solution or
alcohol solution, the osmium tetroxide into a black precipitate, in order to reduce toxicity to

