
what is Geotrichum, Geotrichum species

Species of the genus Geotrichum produce chains of hyaline, flowing, single-celled, subglobose to cylindric, slippery arthroconidia (ameroconidia) by the holoarthric fragmentation of uniform hyphae. The arthroconidia, which are quite a variable in size of it, can germinate at one end giving the appearing of a bud. How, the latter develops into a septate mycelium. Admittedly blastoconidia production isn’t found in the genus. This device characteristic distinguishes the genus Geotrichum from Trichosporon, which generally does produce blastoconidia.On Sabouraud’s dextrose agar, colonies are aggressive, flat, white to cream, dry and finely suede-like without any reverse pigment. Hyphae are hyaline, septate, branched and break down into chain by hyalin, flowing, single-celled, subglobose to cylindric arthroconidia. They’re 6-12 x 3-6 um in size of it and are released by the separation of a double septum.The need to exercise care when identifying species of Geotrichum must be stressed, as this name has often been used erroneously to describe any hyaline hyphomycete producing arthroconidia . Geotrichum species mayhap differentiated from one another applying physiologic and biochemical tests similar to those applied for the designation of barms.
Geotrichum species

