
Development and utilization of yeast pichia

Koichi Ogata, who in 1969 first discovered some of the yeast can use methanol as the sole carbon and energy growth (Ogata, et a1.1969), then, the use of methanol-based yeast single cell protein production potential as animal feed it caused widespread concern. 1987, Cregg, who first reported the use of methanol nutritional yeast expression hepatitis B surface antigen (HbsAg then Philip Petroleum Company and the Salk Institute Biotechnology / Industrial Associates (SIBIA) began Pichia pastoris expression system to develop. SIBIA . AOX researchers isolated the gene promoter and host strains to construct a carrier, and develop the corresponding techniques of genetic manipulation of Pichia pastoris, with Philip Petroleum company production of single-cell protein fermentation process to achieve a foreign protein highly expressed in 1993, Philip Petroleum company will Pichia pastoris expression system of patents the company sold to Research Corporation Technologies, and commissioned Invitrogea companies on product sales.

more about:buy yeast pichia

coontent from:http://nanomaterials.blog.com/2011/09/02/development-and-utilization-of-yeast-pichia/

