
What is Hydroxocobalamin

Hydroxocobalamin (OHCbl, or B12a) is a natural form, or vitamer, of vitamin B12, a basic member of the cobalamin family of compounds. Hydroxocobalamin is the form of vitamin B12 produced by many bacteria which are used to produce the vitamin commercially. Like other forms of vitamin B12, hydroxocobalamin has an intense red color. It is not a form normally found in the human body, but is easily converted in the body to usable coenzyme forms of vitamin B12. Pharmaceutically, hydroxycobalamin is usually produced as a sterile injectable solution, and is used for treatment of the vitamin deficiency, and also (because of its afinity for cyanide ion) as a treatment for cyanide poisoning.[1] Experimentally, it has been tested as a scavenger of nitric oxide.

