
Drug Interactions of Ronidazole

Ronidazole is a nitroimidazole antibiotic/antiprotozoal from the aforementioned ancestors as metronidazole. It is baneful to protozoa by advantage of the disruption of protozoal DNA. Ronidazole is appreciably added able than metronidazole in alleviative trichomonal infections. There is aswell some analysis that indicates that it may be able to amusement Giardia in dogs.
Most of the biologic interactions listed for ronidazole are extrapolated from acquaintance with metronidazole.
Ronidazole may access the levels of the afterward drugs: cyclosporine, systemic tacrolimus, fluorouacil, lithium.
Cimetidine, and ketoconazole abatement the metabolism of ronidazole, and could access the accident of neurotoxicity.
Ronidazole should not be acclimated with oxytetracyclines, phenobarbital, rifampin, or phenytoin. These drugs either antagonize, or access the metabolism of ronidazole.
Alcohol should be abhorred due to the achievability of a disulfiram reaction.
Ronidazole should be abhorred in animals accepting coumarin anticoagulants due to added array times.