
Characteristics and uses of Albite

Albite is actually a common feldspar mineral, usually showing a glassy crystal. It can be made colorless and transparent or it can be of various colors. This material can be used to make ceramics or glass. Let's take a look at the characteristics and uses of this mineral.

Characteristics of albite
Due to the particularity of its own generation environment, it has formed its unique characteristics. In high temperature environments, it has a fast dissolution effect on clay and quartz lamps, and has a high solubility. Moreover, it has good transparency, low melting temperature, and its high temperature viscosity is relatively small, and it changes with temperature.
Use of Albite powder
In addition to its wide application in the industrial field, Albite powder are also widely used in the field of ceramics. At the same time, Albite powder is also the best choice for making glass, and it is the most important component in glass mix. The iron content contained is relatively low, and the amount of alkali used can be effectively reduced. Relatively speaking, the fact Albite powder gradually turns into glass after melting is a process that requires comparison of fields, but there is no crystallization, and the glass article is prevented from being destroyed by crystallization during the production process.
It can also be used in ceramic glazes to make the glaze more soft and effectively reduce the melting temperature during the manufacturing process.


Graphite oxide with graphene oxide

The process of converting graphite oxide to graphene oxide can ultimately be very damaging to the various layers of graphene, which has other consequences when reducing the compound (explanation to follow). The process of oxidizing graphite to graphite oxide already damages the individual graphene platelets, which reduces their average size, so that other damage is undesirable. Graphene oxide contains monolayer flakes and graphene with a few layers, interspersed with water (depending on the base medium, platelet-platelet interactions may be impaired by surface functionality, leading to improved hydrophilicity ).

To convert graphite oxide into graphene oxide, a few methods are possible. The most common techniques are the use of sonication, stirring or a combination of both. Sonication can be a very effective way to exfoliate graphite oxide, and it is extremely effective for exfoliating graphene (almost at full exfoliation levels), but it can also severely damage graphene flakes, reducing them In surface size from microns to nanometers, and also produces a wide variety of graphene platelet sizes. Mechanical agitation is a much less burdensome approach, but can take much longer to accomplish.


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Today Let’s introduce an unusual rare earth element—erbium, which is a heavy rare earth element. It takes its name, like yttrium, from the town of Ytterby, near Stockholm, Sweden, where yttrium ore was first discovered. Almost all the rare earth elements can be found in monazite and yttrium.

Erbium is a silver-white metal that slowly oxidizes when exposed to air.It has physical properties similar to those of other lanthanide metals and is paramagnetic, attracted by neodymium magnets.

Erbium and hydrochloric acid react quickly to produce a pink erbium chloride, which is the color of most compounds in erbium. Its compound’s color is a little bit like neodymium and lighter than neodymium. Like most lanthanide compounds, their colors appear different under different lighting, darker under LED lights and brighter under fluorescent lights.Rubbing an erbium on a grinding wheel, the erbium particles burn well in the air, producing a bright green spark. When the erbium burns in the air, it produces erbium trioxide.

Because erbium has a special electron-layer configuration, one of its hottest applications is lasers, especially for medical lasers. Erbium laser is a solid-state pulsed laser with a wavelength of 2940nm which can be strongly absorbed by water molecules in human tissues, thus achieving greater results with less energy. It cuts, grinds and excises soft tissues with great precision and is commonly used in rhytidectomy and dental surgery.

The most prominent use of erbium is to make an erbium-doped fiber amplifier (EDFA), one of the greatest inventions in optical fiber communication. By adding a small amount of erbium ions to the quartz fiber, it can compensate for the optical loss in the communication system. Erbium-doped fiber amplifier acts as a "pump station" of light, so that the optical signals can be transmitted from station to station without weakening thus comfortably opening the modern long - distance high - speed fiber - optic communications technology channel.

We shall thanks to erbium as we now enjoy the convenience of a high-speed global Internet which erbium plays a significant role. Erbium is also being used in quantum computers to write the quantum state of a single photon into an erbium atom, preserving that information for up to two centuries. Therefore, it is possible to construct quantum Internet.

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Today we introduce you a quite interesting metal --- indium.It is in the third group of the chemical periodic table, below thegallium.Externally, indium is shiny and does not discolor in the air.Due to its softness, indium can get scratches on its face scraped by nails.

Of course, you can also cut a piece of indium with a normal utility knife.If you take a piece of indium and gallium and then rub them against each other, a liquid indium gallium alloy will begin to form at the point of contact. Its composition is 75.5% gallium and 24.5% indium.The melting point of this alloy is about 15 degrees Celsius, so this alloy maintains a liquid shape at room temperature.

This alloy can be well used to moisturize glass to form a beautiful mirror. By the way, some automotive headlight mirrors are also covered with metallic indium.If you use a cotton swab to apply this alloy, you will get a metal pen that draws a conductive line on the paper.

In order to demonstrate the most interesting properties of indium, we decide to take out an indium sheet from the bottle. The melting point of pure indium is 156.60 degrees Celsius (429.75 K), so it is easy to make different indium ingots from the metal, and the indium flakes produced are very soft.

Indium is so soft that you can easily bite it off. In addition, if you try to bend the indium ingot, you can even hear a sound of "beep", which is caused by crystal deformation inside the metal.When indium is burned in the air, an indigo flame is produced. Pure indium is a component of many alloys, and indium compounds are extensively used in electronic products, especially in the manufacture of touch screens.


Titanium dioxide

Titanium dioxide is a white inorganic pigment.It has properties of non-toxic, best opacity, best whiteness and brightness.It is currently the best white pigment.Its chemical formula is TiO2.Titanium white has strong adhesion, and is not easy to change chemically, and is always snow-white.

Therefore it is widely used in many industries such as coatings, plastics, papermaking and printing oils.Due to its high melting point, it is used to make fire-resistant glass glazes and high-temperature experimental vessels, as well.

At the same time, titanium dioxide has a relatively good UV masking effect, so it is often used as a sunscreen in textile fibers.Ultrafine titanium dioxide powder is also added into sunscreen cream.It can be obtained by acid decomposition of rutile extraction or decomposition of titanium tetrachloride.

When extracting the protective clothing must be wore.  Owing to it stable nature, Titanium dioxide is used as a white pigment in paint and has good covering power.