
What is 1-Octacosanol?

Molecular formula: C28H58O

Stability: Stable. Light-sensitive. Incompatible with strong oxidizing agents.

Chemical Properties: white crystals or powder

Usage: A 28-carbon primary fatty alcohol commonly found in the epicuticular waxes of plants. It has shown protective effects against parkonsonism and due to its excellent tolerability and non-toxicity, octacosanol may be a promising agent for PD treatment.


Product description:1-Octacosanol is an alcohol. Flammable and/or toxic gases are generated by the combination of alcohols with alkali metals, nitrides, and strong reducing agents. They react with oxoacids and carboxylic acids to form esters plus water. Oxidizing agents convert them to aldehydes or ketones. Alcohols exhibit both weak acid and weak base behavior. They may initiate the polymerization of isocyanates and epoxides.
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Herbal Extract


Anastrozole Precautions

•Before starting Anastrozole treatment, accomplish abiding you acquaint your doctor about any added medications you are demography (including over-the-counter drugs, vitamins, or herbal remedies).

•Inform your bloom affliction able if you are abundant or may be abundant above-mentioned to starting this treatment. Pregnancy class D (Anastrozole may be chancy to the fetus. Women who are abundant or become abundant have to be brash of the abeyant hazard to the fetus).

•For both men and women: Do not accept a adolescent (get pregnant) while demography Anastrozole. Barrier methods of contraception, such as condoms, are recommended. Discuss with your doctor if you may cautiously become abundant or accept a adolescent afterwards therapy.

•Do not breast augment while demography Anastrozole.
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pharmaceutical chemicals online


What is Ornipressin Acetate?

Ornipressin acetate may act as a haemostatic, vasoconstrictor and renal agent. This is a accepted appellation for the constructed adaptation for the accustomed actinic vasopressin which is produced in the body. The constructed adaptation of this actinic has an ornithine in the eighth position of the circadian octapeptide chain. Much of the analysis apropos abeyant uses or compassionate of the actinic is ongoing.

When purchasing ornipressin for analysis purposes it is basic to advance in a authentic sample. Because there are abounding chemicals agnate to ornipressin acetate on the bazaar it can be difficult to actuate if you are purchasing a sample that will behave the way you accept hoped during analytic research.

Purchasing from a accountant banker can advice to ensure that you accept the able actinic for your analysis as able-bodied as a sample that is abiding to be authentic to advice agreement authentic after-effects during testing.
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Benefits of collagen peptide drink

Firms up skin for a more lifted look

Tightens pores for velvety-smooth skin

Helps make-up stay on longer and adhere better to the skin

Lifts up bust and buttock for a more attractive and sexy body shape
Reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and heals scars
Re-densifies the skin’s dermis layer for fine and supple skin
Strengthens hair and nails, keeping them strong and healthy
Seals in moisture for lasting retention within the skin
more about: collagen peptid


What is Sodium fluorosilicate?

Property:Sodium fluorosilicate is achromatic hexagonal, odorless and tasteless clear with about body 2.679. It is hygroscopic. It is acrid in ether, baffling in alcohol. The solubility in acerbic is greater than in water.

It decomposes in acrid band-aid and produces sodium fluoride and silicon dioxide. It is addle to sodium fluoride and silicon tetrafluoride by heating to 300° C. It is noxious!

Packing: Net anniversary in 25kg artificial alloyed bag, lined with PE bag.

Usage: Sodium fluorosilicate is acclimated as antibacterial in balk industry, hygroscopic abettor of acid-resisting concrete, solidifying abettor in accustomed acrylic products, accretion in plating with zinc, nickel, adamant and accompaniment in artificial and fluorinating abettor in pharmaceuticals and bubbler water.

It is acclimated to aftermath insecticide in pesticide industry and sodium fluoride in counterfeit cryolite.



What is Surface Sizing Agent?

Appearance:Pale yellow liquid
PH(25℃): 2.0-4.0
Solubility:Easy to dissolve in water at room temp.
Shelf period: 60 days(4-30℃)
Surface sizing agents are commonly used to provide water-resistance (prevent paper from blurring with water or ink) and printability (offset, inkjet) to paper by surface application.
 These agents are applied to a wide variety of paper / paper board (fine paper, newspaper, ink-jet printing paper, linerboard, and so on).
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Surface Sizing Agent