
What is Sodium fluorosilicate?

Property:Sodium fluorosilicate is achromatic hexagonal, odorless and tasteless clear with about body 2.679. It is hygroscopic. It is acrid in ether, baffling in alcohol. The solubility in acerbic is greater than in water.

It decomposes in acrid band-aid and produces sodium fluoride and silicon dioxide. It is addle to sodium fluoride and silicon tetrafluoride by heating to 300° C. It is noxious!

Packing: Net anniversary in 25kg artificial alloyed bag, lined with PE bag.

Usage: Sodium fluorosilicate is acclimated as antibacterial in balk industry, hygroscopic abettor of acid-resisting concrete, solidifying abettor in accustomed acrylic products, accretion in plating with zinc, nickel, adamant and accompaniment in artificial and fluorinating abettor in pharmaceuticals and bubbler water.

It is acclimated to aftermath insecticide in pesticide industry and sodium fluoride in counterfeit cryolite.


