
Nitroethane Uses

Via condensations like the Henry reaction, nitroethane converts to several compounds of bartering interest. Abstract with 3,4-dimethoxybenzaldehyde affords the forerunner to the antihypertensive biologic methyldopa; abstract with unsubstituted benzaldehyde yields phenyl-2-nitropropene. Nitroethane condenses with two equivalents of formaldehyde to give, afterwards hydrogenation, 2-amino-2-methyl-1,3-propanediol, which in about-face condenses with oleic acerbic to accord an oxazoline, which protonates to accord a cationic surfactant.
Like some added nitrated amoebic compounds, nitroethane is aswell acclimated as a ammunition accretion and a forerunner to explosives.
Nitroethane is a advantageous bread-and-butter for polymers such as polystyrene and is decidedly advantageous for abandoning cyanoacrylate adhesives. In alcove applications, it has been acclimated as a basic in bogus attach remover and in aerial beam adhesive sprays.

