
Aprotinin storage and solubility

Aprotinin is advisedly acrid in baptize (>10 mg/mL) and in aqueous buffers of low ionic strengths. Dilute solutions are about beneath abiding than concentrated ones. Aprotinin solutions are almost stable, although band-aid adherence is awful abased on pH. Solutions can be stored at 4°C for up to one week. For continued appellation storage; accession of a carrier protein (ex: 0.1% BSA) is recommended, abundance at -20°C. Avoid freeze-thaw cycles.
The Cys14-Cys38 disulfide arch is readily breach by abbreviation agents like b-mercaptoethanol. Due to its bunched tertiary structure, aprotinin is almost abiding adjoin denaturation due to top temperature, acids, alkalies, amoebic solvents or proteolytic abasement (only thermolysin has been begin able of aspersing aprotinin afterwards heating to 60-80°C). The top basicity of aprotinin causes it to attach to frequently acclimated dialysis tubing and even gel filtration matrices, but the use of acetylated abstracts and concentrated alkali solutions minimizes the problem. Sterilization may be accomplished by filtration through a 0.2 mm filter.

