
Immature Bitter Orange Indications

The Immature Bitter Orange is generally acclimated in aggregate with argument root, magnolia case and added herbs for ablution calefaction and adequate the bowel, such as Dachengqi Decoction, to amusement accession of calefaction in abdomen and colon, belly adequateness and distending pain, agitation and constipation; with hawthorn fruit, antibacterial account areca berry and added herbs for eliminating stagnated food, to amusement aliment stagnation, indigestion, anorexia and belly distention; and with scutellaria root, coptis basis and added herbs for allowance heat, removing dampness, announcement Qi apportionment and eliminating aliment retention, to amusement damp-heat in the ample intestine, diarrhea, dysentery and belly pain.
The assemble is generally acclimated in aggregate with apricot bark and beginning amber for allowance phlegm, announcement Qi circulation, absolute masses and eliminating fullness, to amusement stagnation of phlegm-dampness, obstruction of Qi in the stomach, backbreaking chest, anorexia, airsickness and hiccup; with cinnamom twig, mongolian snakegourd fruit, macrostem onion and added herbs for absolute phlegm, abating afflicted activity in the chest, announcement Qi apportionment and activating Yang, such as Zhishi Xhishi Xiebai Guizhi Decoction, to amusement colic due to obstruction of Qi in the chest acquired by obstruction of chest-Yang due to algid aplomb and dampness; and with mongolian snakegourd fruit, pinellia bake-apple and coptis basis for allowance masses, such as Xiaoxianxiong Jia Zhishi Decoction, to amusement accession of aplomb and calefaction in the chest, afflicted awareness in the chest, affliction in hypochondrium, ahem with chicken and blubbery sputum.

In addition, the assemble is generally acclimated in aggregate with herbs for addition Qi and adorning Yang to amusement proctoptosis, hysteroptosis and gastroptosis and added syndromes acquired by biconcave of Qi in the average jiao.

