
Okra origin and distribution

Okra is an allopolyploid of ambiguous ancestor (proposed parents cover Abelmoschus ficulneus, A. tuberculatus and a appear "diploid" anatomy of okra). Truly agrarian (as against to naturalised) populations are not accepted with authoritativeness and the breed may be a cultigen.
The bounded agent of okra is disputed, with supporters of South Asian, Ethiopian and West African origins. Supporters of a South Asian agent point to the attendance of its proposed parents in that region. Supporters of a West African agent point to the greater assortment of okra in that region.
The Egyptians and Moors of the 12th and 13th centuries acclimated the Arabic chat for the plant, bamya, suggesting it had appear from the east. The bulb may accept entered southwest Asia beyond the Red Sea or the Bab-el-Mandeb bewilderment to the Arabian Peninsula, rather than arctic beyond the Sahara, or from India. One of the ancient accounts is by a Spanish Moor who visited Egypt in 1216, who declared the bulb beneath agronomics by the locals who ate the tender, adolescent pods with meal.
From Arabia, the bulb advance about the shores of the Mediterranean Sea and eastward. The bulb was alien to the Americas by ships plying the Atlantic bondservant barter by 1658, if its attendance was recorded in Brazil. It was added accurate in Suriname in 1686. Okra may accept been alien to southeastern Arctic America from Africa in the aboriginal 18th century. By 1748, it was getting developed as far arctic as Philadelphia. Thomas Jefferson acclaimed it was able-bodied accustomed in Virginia by 1781. It was commonplace throughout the Southern United States by 1800, and the aboriginal acknowledgment of altered cultivars was in 1806.

