
Phenol(Carbolic Acid) Uses

The above uses of phenol, arresting two thirds of its production, absorb its about-face to precursors to plastics. Condensation with acetone gives bisphenol-A, a key forerunner to polycarbonates and epoxide resins. Condensation of phenol, alkylphenols, or diphenols with formaldehyde gives phenolic resins, a acclaimed archetype of which is Bakelite. Partial hydrogenation of phenol gives cyclohexanone, a forerunner to nylon. Nonionic detergents are produced by alkylation of phenol to accord the alkylphenols, e.g., nonylphenol, which are again subjected to ethoxylation.
Phenol is aswell a able forerunner to a ample accumulating of drugs, a lot of conspicuously aspirin but aswell abounding herbicides and biologic drugs. Phenol is aswell acclimated as an articulate anesthetic/analgesic in articles such as Chloraseptic or added cast name and all-encompassing equivalents, frequently acclimated to briefly amusement pharyngitis.
Niche uses
Phenol is so bargain that it attracts abounding small-scale uses. It already was broadly acclimated as an antiseptic, abnormally as carbolic soap, from the aboriginal 1900s to the 1970s. It is a basic of automated acrylic strippers acclimated in the aerodynamics industry for the abatement of epoxy, polyurethane and added chemically aggressive coatings.
Phenol derivatives are aswell acclimated in the alertness of cosmetics including sunscreens, hair colorings, and derma abating preparations.
Concentrated phenol liquids are frequently acclimated in the surgical analysis of ingrown toenails to anticipate a area of the toenail from growing back. This action is alleged phenolization.
Phenol is aswell acclimated for abiding analysis of ingrown toe and feel nails, a action accepted as a actinic matrixectomy. The action was aboriginal declared by Otto Boll in 1945. Since that time it has become the actinic of best for actinic matrixectomies performed by podiatrists.

