
Atenolol medical uses

Atenolol is a careful β1 receptor antagonist, a biologic acceptance to the accumulation of beta blockers (sometimes accounting β-blockers), a chic of drugs acclimated primarily in cardiovascular diseases. Introduced in 1976, atenolol was developed as a backup for propranolol in the analysis of hypertension. It works by slowing down the affection and abbreviation its workload. Unlike propranolol, atenolol does not canyon through the blood–brain barrier appropriately alienated assorted axial afraid arrangement ancillary effects.
Atenolol is one of the a lot of broadly acclimated β-blockers in the United Kingdom and was already the first-line analysis for hypertension.The role for β-blockers in hypertension was downgraded in June 2006 in the United Kingdom to fourth-line, as they accomplish beneath appropriately or finer than newer drugs, decidedly in the elderly.
Atenolol is acclimated for a amount of altitude including: hypertension, angina, continued QT syndrome, astute myocardial infarction, supraventricular tachycardia, ventricular tachycardia, and the affection of booze withdrawal.
Due to its hydrophilic (water-attracting) properties, the biologic is beneath acceptable in cephalalgia prophylaxis compared to propranolol, because, for this indication, atenolol would accept to ability the academician in top concentrations, which is not the case, because atenolol does not canyon through the blood–brain barrier.

