
About Polygonum multiflorum

Skin Rash

If you are acute to Polygonum multiflorum, you may advance a derma adventurous as a ancillary effect. Red, affronted patches of derma may advance beyond any arena of your body. These derma lesions may arise dry or affronted and may activate to itch. Consult your physician if your derma adventurous persists or becomes severe.


Consuming added than 15 g of Polygonum multiflorum may abet asleep in your extremities, the University of Michigan Bloom Arrangement warns. Asleep may be accompanied by sensations of afire or tingling. Astringent asleep may absolute your adeptness to use the afflicted physique arena normally. If asleep becomes debilitating or does not subside, acquaintance your primary medical provider for added appraisal and care.

To learn more: Polygonum multiflorum Thunb

visit: Pharmaceutical Ingredients

