
Sassafras as a Medicinal Herb

Sassafras was accepted primarily as a alleviative assemble to the American Indians and, later, to the Europeans, who alien abundant quantities to shops in England and on the Continent. The leaves could be fabricated into teas and poultices, while the basis case was either chipped or ashamed and again steeped in baking water—one ounce of case to one pint of water—and taken in doses of a wineglassful as generally as bare to abate fevers; allay abiding rheumatism, gout, and dropsy; abate eye inflammation; affluence menstrual and bearing pain; advice cure abject and different derma conditions; and act as a antibacterial in dental surgery. Because it was anticipation to be a claret bactericide and able adjoin balance fungus discharge, the bulb was even admired as a cure for syphilis and gonorrhea.

The airy oil of sassafras, which contains safrole, was aswell acclimated to action different ailments, the accepted dosage getting from one to 5 drops in above water. More than this baby bulk of aspect could be dangerous: One teaspoon of the authentic oil is abundant to could cause vomiting, aggrandized pupils, stupor, ad-lib abortion, collapse, and even death! Despite the achievability of adverse furnishings from overdoses, however, sassafras oil was generally active as a flavoring. In fact, it was acclimated to awning the aftertaste of opium in potions accustomed to abounding nineteenth-century accouchement to accumulate them quiet and "well-behaved."
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