
Uses of Pausinystalia macroceras

Pausinystaliamacroceras is broadcast from Nigeria eastward to DR Congo and southward to Cabinda (Angola).
The trees is admired for appliance and chiffonier work. In Cabinda (Angola) it is acclimated for abode architecture and flooring. The trees is acceptable for joinery, autogenous trim, address building, car bodies, ladders, antic goods, toys, novelties, agronomical implements, handles, agreeable instruments, boxes, crates, attention equipment, matches, carvings, turnery, arrangement making, appearance and plywood. In Nigeria it is acclimated as fuelwood.

The bark is broadly acclimated as an amative and stimulant. In Cameroon, for instance, the burst bark is eaten adjoin animal weakness. In Congo the bark is acclimated to avoid off sleep, and sap from the bark is activated in an bang as a vermifuge and topically for the analysis of ringworm and added fungal derma infections.

