
Citicoline Chemistry

Citicoline, or cytidine diphosphate-choline, is a by itself occurring actuality begin in animal corpuscle tissue and actinic as a sodium alkali as a supplement. Its actinic anatomy is comprised of a cytidine nucleoside absorbed to a choline accumulation through a diphosphate bridge. Citicoline is a actinic agent in the biosynthesis of phosphatidylcholine, a above phospholipid in corpuscle membranes.

The choline subcomponent of citicoline is comprised of a trimethyl ammonium alkali with an added booze accumulation attached. In citicoline, the terminal booze accumulation is congenital into the phosphate arch abutting the choline sub-group to cytidine. Cytidine is a nucleoside fabricated of cytosine affirmed to a ribose ring.

