
Astaxanthin Introduction

Astaxanthin (ASTA) is a naturally-occurring orange-red colorant carotenoid begin in algae, shrimp, lobster, crab, and salmon.
Astaxanthin is fabricated by the healthing microalgae Haematococcus pluvialis, Chlorella zofingiensis, Chlorococcum, and aggrandize Phaffia rhodozyma.
The healthing algae H. pluvialis makes top amounts of astaxanthin if its action is unfavorable, including top UV exposure, which is why astaxanthin has able antioxidative properties.
Animals that eat these microalgae or aggrandize again blot astaxanthin into their bodies, which is why agrarian shrimp, lobster, crab, and apricot accept ablaze red-orange colors.
Wild apricot can accept up to 26 – 38 mg of astaxanthin per kg of bodyweight, admitting farmed Atlantic salmons about accept 6 – 8 mg of astaxanthin per kg of bodyweight.
Astaxanthin is not adapted to vitamin A in the beastly body.
Like added carotenoids, astaxanthin has self-limited assimilation orally and no toxicity was detected if activated at actual top doses in rats.
However, overconsumption of astaxanthin can about-face beastly derma and tissues red, which is why astaxanthin is used in augment for farmed seafood and fish.
more about:
Haematococcus Pluvialis Extract

