Chloroaurie acid deliquescence, should be dry and protected from light.
Chloroaurie acid strong corrosive to metal, so the preparation of gold chloride acid solution should not
use metal spoon weighing HAuCl.
● for the preparation of colloidal gold should be double-distilled water distilled water distilled
water or three, or high quality deionized water.
● Preparation of colloidal gold is a glass container must be absolutely clean, use should be preceded
by the acid and rinse with distilled water. Is best handled by silicification, silicification method can
dichloro-5% chloroform solution of a silane soak a few minutes, rinse with distilled water and dried
after use.
● Identification and preservation of colloidal gold: Preparation of colloidal gold is not difficult,
but good quality colloidal gold system is not an easy task. Therefore, each system should be a good
colloidal gold test, mainly the indicators particle size, uniformity of size and whether the aggregation
of particles.
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