
Detailed introduction to L-Aspartic acid

Molecular Formula: C4H7NO4

Molecular Weight: 113.1

 Cas No: 56-84-8

Characteristics: White crystals or crystalline powder, acid taste, slightly soluble in water, practically insoluble in ethanol and ether.

Packaging and Storage: In 25kgs fiber drum double polyethylene bags inside; Preserve in well-closed containers, at controlled room temperature.

 Use: L-Aspartic acid sodium salt has the excellent function of fresh-display and antisepsis. It is widely used in freshening agent and antiseptic in food industry and can be used as substitute for monosodium glutamate. In medicine industry it is mainly used as heart disease medicine, liver function accelerant, ammonia antidote, fatigue eliminating medicament and one component of amino acid Transfusion. It is also used widely in industry.

L-Aspartic Acid is widely used in food and pharmaceutical industry as an important amino acid. It is used as dietetic supplement, additive for kinds of soft drink. In medicine, it is used as ammoniac detoxicating agent, hepar function accelerator and fatigue refresher. 
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