
Chlordane's History

Chlordane was the pesticide acclimated to anticipate or annihilate termites during the 1950's, 60's, 70's and 80's. However, afterwards abounding letters of austere affliction a part of both adults and accouchement afterward its appliance and links to blight in animals, chlordane was assuredly banned by the EPA in March of 1988. Unfortunately, the ban did not yield abode until over 30 actor homes throughout the U.S. had been treated. Concerns in Florida are even greater because of the added termite botheration and the actuality that analysis shows chlordane is college in homes congenital on albino soils.
Most homeowners are blind that just afore the accurate slab was caked for their home's foundation, a pesticide aggregation had appear in and saturated the clay with 100 gallons of chlordane per 1000 aboveboard anxiety of area. People were actually architecture their homes on top of a baneful actinic dump. The accessible was reassured by the pesticide industry and entomologists that this was a safe action and that the actinic would not access into the home because of the barrier provided by the adhesive foundation. However, this angry out not to be the case.
more about:
Chlordane Sources and Potential Exposure
Chlordane Uses
Reagent products,Chemical Reagent

1 条评论:

  1. Just i come in this site and found a lot of knowledge and it history.Thanks a lot.......

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