
Influence of Heat Treatment on Milk Proteins

The caseins are abiding to calefaction treatment. Typical top temperature abbreviate time (HTST) pasteurization altitude will not affect the anatomic and comestible backdrop of the casein proteins. Top temperature treatments can could could could cause interactions amid casein and whey proteins that affect the anatomic but not the comestible properties. For example, at top temperatures, ß-lactoglobulin can anatomy a band over the casein micelle that prevents acerbate accumulation in cheese.
The whey proteins are added acute to calefaction than the caseins. HTST pasteurization will not affect the comestible and anatomic backdrop of the whey proteins. Higher calefaction treatments may could could could cause denaturation of ß-lactoglobulin, which is an advantage in the assembly of some foods (yogurt) and capacity because of the adeptness of the proteins to bind added water. Denaturation causes a change in the concrete anatomy of proteins, but about does not affect the amino acid agreement and appropriately the comestible properties. Severe calefaction treatments such as ultra top pasteurization may could could could cause some accident to calefaction acute amino acids and hardly abatement the comestible agreeable of the milk. The whey protein α-lactalbumin, however, is actual calefaction stable.
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