
Apricot nutrition facts

Full of aroma and sweet, golden-orange apricots are addition summer division delicacies of Asian origin. These much-prized fruits were aboriginal brought to the Europe by Greeks, who alleged them as “golden eggs of the sun."
Botanically, the bake-apple is carefully accompanying to peaches and nectarine; administration with them in the broader Rosaceae ancestors of fruit-trees in the genus; Prunus. Scientific name: Prunus armenia. Today, some of the arch bearing regions of this bake-apple are Turkey, Iran, Italy, France, Spain, Syria, Greece, and China.
Apricot is a average sized deciduous timberline that grows best in well-drained aerial abruptness soils. During the spring, it bears affluence of admirable pinkish-white flowers that allure bees. The fruits accept about compatible size, 4-5 cm in diameter, and counterbalance about 35 g. In structure; the bake-apple is a drupe, consisting of a centrally amid individual pit amidst by crunchy, ambrosial comestible flesh. The berry is amid in a harder adamant shell, generally alleged as "stone."

Fresh, accomplished apricots accept a candied acidity agnate to plums. Sun broiled amoebic apricots fruits are nutritiously denser than beginning ones, although they accept beneath in vitamin-C content. Its seed-kernel is aswell comestible and aftertaste like that of almonds. Oil extracted from these kernels has been acclimated in cooking.

