
Chemical Properties in Phenoxyethanol

Phenoxyethanol is an oily, hardly adhesive aqueous with a aside rose-like scent. It is acclimated as a bactericide in a advanced array of corrective and claimed affliction products, including derma affliction products, eye makeup, fragrances, blushers, foundations, lipstick, ablution soaps and detergents, etc. Research shows that this additive is safe if acclimated in these products.

Phenoxyethanol can be torn into ethylene, phenyle, ether, and glycol. The actinic is accepted by several added names including Phenoxytol, Phenoxethol, Rose ether, Phenyle cellosolve, and Ethylene glycol monophenyl ether. During tests of dermatological products, in accession to bactericide properties, the actinic was begin to accept fixative backdrop that lock the fragrances in perfumes and soaps to break for best continuance if applied.

