
Diethyl sulfate health effects

Probable routes of animal acknowledgment to diethyl sulfate are assimilation and dermal contact.
Non-Cancer: Acknowledgment to diethyl sulfate may could cause skin, eye, and respiratory amplitude irritation. The United States Environmental Protection Agency has not accustomed an articulate Reference Dosage or Reference Concentration for diethyl sulfate. No advice is accessible on adverse changeable or adorning furnishings of diethyl sulfate in humans. Malignant tumors of the afraid arrangement were appear in baby of rats afterward a individual subcutaneous dosage to the abundant females.

Cancer: Excess bloodshed from laryngeal blight was associated with anatomic acknowledgment to top concentrations of diethyl sulfate in an epidemiologic study. The U.S. EPA has not classified diethyl sulfate with account to abeyant carcinogenicity. The National Toxicology Program has classified diethyl sulfate as a actuality analytic advancing to be a carcinogen based on acceptable affirmation in animals and bound affirmation in bodies of carcinogenicity. The International Agency for Research on Blight has placed diethyl sulfate in Group 2A: Probable animal carcinogen. The State of California beneath Proposition 65 has bent that diethyl sulfate is a carcinogen.

