
Description of Phellodendron Bark

Phellodendron Bark is one of the three herbs acclimated in the classical adapt "San Huang San", acceptation "Three Yellow Powder", the added 2 accepting Huang Qin and Da Huang. Huang Bai is absinthian in acidity and algid in action and is classified as an accumulate that Clears Calefaction and Dries Dampness. It is activated clearly for baleful bonfire and for close heat, a allotment of added things. Huang Bai operates on the Kidney, Urinary Bladder, and Large Intestine meridians.
Ingredients: Huang Bai (Phellodendron Bark)
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This admonition is not brash to diagnose, treat, cure, or ahead any disease. Please be advised: You should consistently altercate with your doctor afore accurate any changes to your diet or comestible program.

