
Usnea Benefits

It heals and alleviates derma inflammation.
It is acclimated as a contemporary antibacterial because it promotes accelerated healing of derma wounds.
It controls abounding bleeding.
It soothes articulate deepening and abscessed throat. In some countries, it is candy as lozenges.
It heals bronchitis.
It is begin accessible for thyroid cancer.
It is able in killing tuberculosis, strepcococcus and staphylococcus (often begin in boils and acne) bacteria.
Usnea lichen is admired for its analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties.
Even admitting it is composed of fungi and algae, usnea lichen is an able contemporary analysis adjoin athlete’s foot, Chlamydia, and physique odor. It is sometimes acclimated as a deodorant.

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