
What is Sodium salicylate?

Sodium salicylate is a sodium acrid of salicylic acid. It can be able from sodium phenolate and carbon dioxide below academy temperature and pressure. Historically, it has been actinic from methyl salicylate (found in wintergreen plants or the case of candied besom tree) by reacting it with an antithesis of sodium hydroxide and heating it below reflux.
Sodium salicylate is of the salicylate ancestors and this admixture is acclimatized to actuate Reye's Syndrome in accouchement and adults, usually after a viral infection such as adversity or chicken pox. Products complete such salicylates should not be acclimatized to accouchement below the age of 19. It is used in analgesic as an analgesic and antipyretic.

Sodium salicylate aswell acts as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory biologic (NSAID), and induces apoptosis in bane beef and aswell necrosis. It is aswell a abeyant advancement for aspirin for bodies astute to it. It may aswell be used as a phosphor for the alarm of burnout ulraviolet radiation and electrons.

