
Tranexamic Acid Description

CAS No.:1197-18-8
Molecular Weight: 157.21
Chemical Formula: C8H15NO2
Tranexamic acid is an antihaemorrhagic abettor which inhibits the breakdown of fibrin clots.Tranexamic acid is accustomed to stop or abate abundant bleeding. When you bleed, your physique forms clots to stop the bleeding. In some people, these clots breach down and the bleeding continues. Tranexamic acid works by endlessly the clots from breaking down and so reduces the exceptionable bleeding.
Tranexamic acid is a constructed amino acid that inhibits fibrinolysis and that has been apparent to abate claret accident and the charge for claret admixture during specific surgical procedures, including absolute knee arthroplasty, back surgery, cardiac surgery, and orthognathic surgery.It has aswell been used for the analysis of postoperative bleeding in anticoagulated patients afterwards articulate surgery.

It is used to ascendancy bleeding in a amount of altered conditions. It reduces exceptionable or abundant bleeding afterward some anaplasty (such as anaplasty on the prostate, float or cervix), nosebleeds, abundant periods (menorrhagia), bleeding central the eye, tooth extraction in humans who drain added calmly than normal, and in a action called ancestral angio-oedema.

