
Anthranilic Acid Uses

Industrially, anthranilic acid is an average in the assembly of azo dyes and saccharin. It and its esters are used in advancing perfumes to imitate jasmine and orange, pharmaceuticals and UV-absorber as able-bodied as bane inhibitors for metals and cast inhibitors in soy sauce.
Anthranilic acid can be used in amoebic amalgam to accomplish benzyne. The benzyne rapidly dimerizes to anatomy biphenylene.
Chlorination of anthranilic acid gives the 2,4-dichloro derivative.
Anthranilate-based insect repellents accept been proposed as replacements for DEET.

Fenamic acid is a acquired of anthranilic acid, which in about-face is a nitrogen isostere of salicylic acid, which is the alive metabolite of aspirin.Several non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, including mefenamic acid, tolfenamic acid, flufenamic acid, and meclofenamic acid are acquired from fenamic acid or anthranilic acid and are alleged "anthranilic acid derivatives" or "fenamates".

