
Picrorhiza kurroa Medicinal Uses

In Ayurveda, Picrorhiza kurroa herb is called Kutka. It is an important alleviative herb in Ayurveda medicines. The roots of the plant are used as a medicine. It is affluent in assorted actinic compounds such as picrorhizin, kitkin, D-mannitol, glycosides, cucurbitacin, kutkisterol, steroids and vanillic acid.
Picrorhiza kurroa is a able anti-inflammatory agent. It reduces platelet aggregation. Its has cathartic, antiperiodic and antibacterial actions. It is aswell advised to be anti-inflammatory, anti-allergy, absinthian tonic, anticholestatic, hepatoprotective and an ntioxidant. Assorted health allowances of the kutka are declared in this article.
Liver Cirrhosis – Picrorhiza herb is used for analysis of alarmist cirrhosis. Powdered roots are alloyed with according abundance of honey taken for its cure three times a day.
Ascites – This herb is used for cure of ascites (a health action in which aqueous accumulates in the peritoneal atrium of the abdomen). 50 grams of herb is taken and able its borsch in 200 ml water, till its baptize reduces to 3/4th amount. It is accustomed to the accommodating for 21 days. It reduces the ambit of the abdomen with 4-5 motions.
Jaundice – It is one of the important herb for jaundice analysis which is accustomed forth with turpeth herb. Both the herbs should be taken in 1 tablespoon and taken with hot baptize two times daily.
Dyspepsia – It is aswell used for cure of dyspepsia and promotes abdomen accomplishments and provides strength.
Constipation – Picrorhiza is used for ache cure which aswell helps bowel movements.
The aloft are some of the health allowances of Picrorhiza kurroa herb.

