
Environmental Cleaning Agent Used Nano Titanium Dioxide

The information of  Nano Titanium Dioxide:
Particle Size10nm 30-50nm
EINECS No.236-675-5
CAS No.13463-67-7
ShapeSharp Titanium
Application for nano titanium dioxide:
1. As a photocatalyst coating pigments, nano tio2 is not only a kind of environmental safety of cleaner, but also have the effect of saving energy and protecting the environment.
2. Titanium dioxide coated on the surface of the city paving stones of the road, the road to clean air. Nano-titanium dioxide mixed with asphalt to reduce pollutants in the air, when the car passes containing nano titanium dioxide concrete or asphalt can purify the air, eliminate vehicle emissions 25% to 45% of nitrogen oxides.

3. Contain titanium dioxide photocatalyst coating, nitrogen dioxide in the air, ammonia, formaldehyde and other gases stupid decomposition rate reached within 20 minutes more than 70% decomposition.
4. The titanium dioxide is a photocatalyst, therefore during the reaction itself is not consumed, for some special pollutants has more prominent than other oxidation effect, and no secondary pollution.
5. Nano titanium dioxide is a cheap and abundant material, have been scientifically proven it has the ability to accelerate chemical reactions and hydrophilic. Experts said that this low-cost and easy to manufacture nanomaterials have helped the global response to energy and environmental issues has great potential.

