
Main use of aluminum chloride

Aluminum chloride, white granules or powder, with strong hydrochloric acid odor, industrial products are light yellow. Soluble in water, alcohol, chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, slightly soluble in benzene. Melted aluminum chloride is not easily conductive, unlike most halide-containing salts such as sodium chloride. The aqueous solution of aluminum chloride is completely dissociated and is a good electrical conductor.
1. Aluminum chloride is mainly used in the Fu-gram reaction
For example, bismuth and phosgene are used as raw materials to prepare hydrazine, which is used in the dyeing and finishing industry. In the generalized Fu-gram reaction, the reaction formula of the acid chloride or halogenated alkane and the aromatic substance is as follows:
2. Benzene and its derivatives When the above reaction occurs, the main product is the para isomer. In comparison, the alkylation reaction involves more problems than the acylation reaction. No matter what kind of reaction, aluminum chloride and other raw materials and instruments
The vessels must be moderately dry and a small amount of water will help the reaction proceed.
Since aluminum chloride can be coordinated to the reaction product, it must be used in the Friedel-Crafts reaction in the same amount as the reactants rather than the "catalytic amount". The aluminum chloride after the reaction is difficult to recover and generates a large amount of corrosive waste. In order to meet the requirements of green chemistry, chemists began to use aluminum fluoride or barium fluoride instead of aluminum chloride to reduce pollution.
Aluminum chloride is also commonly used to add an aldehyde group to a benzene ring. For example, the Gartman-Koch reaction uses carbon monoxide, hydrogen chloride, aluminum chloride and cuprous chloride as catalysts.
3. Aluminum chloride has a wide range of applications in organic chemistry. It catalyzes the Ene reaction, such as the addition of 3-buten-2-one (methyl vinyl ketone) to carvone: 
4. AlCl3 is also commonly used in hydrocarbon polymerization and isomerization reactions, and important examples include industrial production of ethylbenzene. Ethylbenzene can be used to further prepare styrene, polystyrene, and dodecylbenzene as a cleaning agent.
In the presence of aromatic hydrocarbons, aluminum chloride mixed with aluminum can be used to synthesize di(arene) metal complexes. For example, diphenyl chromium is prepared by Fischer-Hafner synthesis through specific metal halides.
Low concentrations of basic aluminum chloride are often one of the components of antiperspirants, while those with hyperhidrosis are higher in concentration (12% or higher).
5. Used as a catalyst for organic synthesis, such as petroleum cracking, synthetic dyes, synthetic rubber, synthetic detergents, medicines, spices, etc.;
6. A catalyst for producing a pesticide, an organoaluminum compound, a phthalocyanine organic pigment, or a catalyst for producing ethylbenzene;
7. Used for metal smelting and lubricating oil synthesis;
8. Food grade products are used as antifoaming agents such as leavening agents and sake, and flocculants for pectin;
9. Used as analytical reagents, preservatives, mordants.

