
Calcium Stearate Applications

Calcium stearate is acclimated as a breeze abettor in powders including some foods (such as Smarties), a apparent conditioner in harder candies such as Sprees, a waterproofing abettor for fabrics, a adipose in pencils and crayons.
The accurate industry uses calcium stearate for blossom ascendancy of cementitious articles acclimated in the assembly of accurate masonry units i.e. paver and block, as able-bodied as waterproofing.
In cardboard production, calcium stearate is acclimated as a adipose to accommodate acceptable gloss, preventing blanket and bend arise in cardboard and paperboard making.
In plastics, it can act as an acerbic scavenger or antitoxin at concentrations up to 1000ppm, a adipose and a absolution agent. It may be acclimated in artificial blush concentrates to advance colorant wetting. In adamant PVC, it can advance fusion, advance flow, and abate die swell.
Applications in the claimed affliction and biologic industry cover book cast release, anti-tack agent, and gelling agent.
Calcium stearate is a basic in some types of defoamers.

