
Damiana Traditional/Ethnobotanical uses

The accurate abstract on the bulb dates aback added than 100 years if letters declared its amative effects. Damiana history began with its aboriginal use by the Maya (under the name mizibcoc) in the analysis of airheadedness and accident of balance. Its primary use in the endure aeon has been as an aphrodisiac. Father Juan Maria de Salvatierra, a Spanish missionary, aboriginal appear that the Mexican Indians fabricated a alcohol from the damiana leaves, added amoroso and drank it for its love-enhancing properties. In the 1870s, it was alien into the US as a blush and advertised as a able aphrodisiac, to advance the animal adeptness of the enfeebled and the age-old and to accommodate added action to all the pelvic secretions. Suffice to say that in this apparent anesthetic era, it enjoyed some success.
Damiana was accepted into the aboriginal copy of the National Formulary (NF) in 1888 as an borsch and aqueous extract. However, it never fabricated it into the US Pharmacopeia and the borsch assuredly was alone from the NF in 1916. The aqueous abstract and the awkward biologic (leaves) were listed in the NF until 1947. Although some bartering companies connected to advertise it to the American market, damiana had about abolished until the 1960s “hippy” movement brought it aback into popularity.

