
Where Does Xylitol Comes From?

Xylitol is begin broadly in nature, a lot of of the fruits and vegetables that we eat on a circadian base accept baby amounts of xylitol. For bartering purposes xylitol comes from two sources: corncobs or trees. Even admitting the end consistent artefact is the same, the action to abstract it from these two sources is not.
Corncobs are our adopted antecedent for xylitol, it is abundant added acceptable and environmentally friendly. Corncobs are a renewable ability and are commonly decay at the end of the season. Application corncobs that yield 5 months to abound as a antecedent for xylitol is abundant added acceptable than application copse that yield 20 years to abound as a antecedent for xylitol.
There are a amount of xylitol assembly accessories about the world, but a lot of of them are in China. In China a lot of blah is harvested by duke and so at the autumn there are big bags of corncobs that charge to be disposed of. To get rid of this they body xylitol assembly facilities. One would anticipate that we would accept an glut of corncobs actuality in America with all the blah we grow, but aback we autumn with accouterment the cobs are befuddled aback out into the acreage and not collected.
Dupont Chemical is the alone aggregation that makes xylitol from wood. If you are purchasing xylitol that claims to be fabricated from balk you are affairs xylitol from Dupont Chemical. They accept assembly accessories in China, North America and Europe.
Again we wish to accent that xylitol extracted from copse is the aforementioned as the aforementioned as from the added sources, xylitol from copse is the aforementioned as that extracted from corn. The alone acumen we anticipate blah sourced xylitol is bigger is because it is abundant added sustainable. 

