
What is 1,3-Dioxolane?

1,3-Dioxolane is a able aprotic bread-and-butter for use in formulations, in assembly processes or even as a agitator itself. Dioxolane has a actual acceptable toxicity profile.

1,3-Dioxolane is acclimated as a bread-and-butter for paints, artificial esters and in amoebic synthesis. It is acclimated as an extragent for waxes, fats and oils, balance for halogenated hydrocarbons and co monomer in polyacetals preparation. It is acclimated as finishing abettor and abscess abettor in textiles. It acts as an average for the alertness of acyclovir and vandetanib. It is an capital additive in automated polymers. In polymerization reactions, it acts as a alternation breadth regulator and a alternation alteration agent.

