
What is Carprofen?

Carprofen (Rimadyl) is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory biologic (NSAID) used as an analgesic abettor in cats.
Its use has been alone by added safe NSAIDs such as meloxicam and tolfedine and appears to be not frequently used by artful veterinary clinicians, although its analgesic furnishings in diseases such as osteoarthritis are agnate to those of added NSAIDs. It is sometimes administered in affiliation with pentosan polysulfate for administration of abiding arthritis ache in cats.
Carprofen is accustomed alone for basset use clearly and was advised for abiding use in dogs. Injectable carprofen, is frequently used for post-operative affliction abatement in bodies but alone one or two doses are about given. It appears to be able-bodied acceptable as an injectable biologic if accustomed up to 6 canicule by the subcutaneous route.
Carprofen has not been activated in abundant or nursing females and appropriately is not recommended for use in such individuals, decidedly back COX-2 is important in changeable function. This aswell agency that abundant women ability do able-bodied not administration this medication.

Carprofen should not be used in patients with above-mentioned GI ulcerations.

