
Famotidine Information

Famotidine is a histamine H2 receptor adversary which is used to abatement the assembly of belly acid aural the gastrointestinal tract. In animal medicine, this biologic is awash beneath the barter name of Pepcid. Other drugs in this ancestors cover cimetidine and ranitidine. These drugs anticipate the abdomen from bearing acid by competitively inhibiting the bounden of histamine at the receptor on the parietal beef of the stomach. Studies in animal patients appearance healing of belly ulcers in patients accustomed either articulate ranitidine or articulate famotidine.

Famotidine may be administered intravenously, intramuscularly, or orally. Histamine H2 receptor adversary drugs are metabolized in the alarmist and excreted in the urine. Unlike cimetidine, famotidine does not decidedly arrest the hepatic P450 agitator system. It is advised actual safe and is the atomic acceptable of the histamine H2 receptor adversary drugs to be complex in biologic interactions.

