
Natamycin Safety

Natamycin does not accept astute toxicity. In beastly studies, the everyman LD50 begin was 2.5-4.5 mg/kg. In rats, the LD50 is 2300 mg/kg, and doses of 500 mg/kg/day over 2 years acquired no crystalline differences in adaptation rate, growth, or accident of tumors. The metabolites of natamycin aswell abridgement toxicity. The breakdown articles of natamycin beneath assorted accumulator altitude may accept a lower LD50 than natamycin, but in all cases, the numbers are absolutely high. In humans, a dosage of 500 mg/kg/day again over assorted canicule acquired nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
No affirmation shows natamycin, at either pharmacological levels or levels encountered as a aliment additive, can abuse accustomed abdominal flora, but absolute analysis may not be available.However, some humans are actual allergic to natamycin.
The EFSA has assured that the use of natamycin as a aliment accretion has no accordant accident for the development of aggressive fungi.

Natamycin appears on Whole Foods “Unacceptable Ingredients for Food” list.

