
Acrivastine Description

Acrivastine is a triprolidine analog antihistamine adumbrated for the analysis of allergies and hay fever. As an H1 receptor antagonist, it functions by blocking the activity of histamine at this receptor thereby preventing the affection associated with histamine absolution such as pruritis, vasodilation, hypotension, edema, bronchoconstriction, and tachycardia.
Acrivastine is currently accessible in aggregate with pseudoephedrine as the FDA-approved artefact Semprex-D.

Acrivastine was captivated rapidly from the aggregate abridged afterward articulate administering and was as bioavailable as a band-aid of acrivastine. After administering of SEMPREX-D Capsules, best claret acrivastine concentrations were accomplished at 1.14 ± 0.23 hour.

