
Shark Cartilage Side Effects and Warnings

A bound bulk of appear test suggests that shark cartilage is able-bodied acceptable in a lot of humans at recommended doses. The a lot of accepted ancillary furnishings appear are mild-to-moderate abdomen agitated and nausea.
Shark cartilage is acceptable safe if taken in recommended doses for up to 18 months.
Shark cartilage may adapt claret amoroso levels. Caution is brash in humans with diabetes and in those demography drugs, herbs, or supplements that affect claret sugar. Claret glucose levels may charge to be monitored by a able healthcare professional, including a pharmacist, and medication adjustments may be necessary.
Shark cartilage may could could cause low claret pressure. Caution is brash in humans demography drugs or herbs and supplements that lower claret pressure.
Use carefully in humans with aberrant affection rhythms, affection conditions, branch dysfunction, alarmist dysfunction, lung disorders, musculoskeletal disorders, abdomen and abdominal disorders, and sulfur allergies.
Use carefully in humans accepting chemotherapy and those defective a troponin-I appraisal to test for decreased claret breeze to the heart.
Avoid in humans above-mentioned to anaplasty and afterwards trauma.
Avoid with accepted abhorrence or acuteness to shark cartilage or any of its ingredients, including chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine.
Avoid in abundant or breastfeeding women and children.

Shark cartilage may could could cause aberrant affection rhythms, adapted consciousness, bloating, blocked claret barge growth, cartilage pain, cramping, decreased motor strength, decreased sensation, diarrhea, adversity breathing, dizziness, ambiguous weakness, fatigue, added levels of calcium, arrest anguish healing, alarmist inflammation, low levels of white claret cells, nausea, aftertaste alteration, and agitated stomach.

