
How is Tazarotene used?

Tazarotene can be activated to a lot of locations of the body, but should not be activated to intertriginous areas or to the face or to hair covered scalp. It should be activated already per day and usually about 30 account afore bedtime. This allows the medication to dry abundantly so it will not rub off on bedding, area it may appear in acquaintance with added derma during the night. Although it is not adverse to artless skin, Tazarotene can could cause afire and itching. To anticipate irritation, accumulate Tazarotene on the crawling plaques and abstain acquaintance with artless skin.

Tazarotene should not be activated "liberally." In fact, a pea-sized bulk of the gel is abundant to awning a bane the admeasurement of the accessible palm. Rub the medication thoroughly into the lesion, abrogation no residue. If the gel does appear in acquaintance with accustomed skin, it can be done off with water. Some patients accept auspiciously used zinc oxide to assure the surrounding skin.

