
Methamidophos Introduction

Methamidophos is a awful active, systemic, balance organophosphate insecticide/acaricide/avicide with acquaintance and abdomen action. Its approach of action in insects and mammals is by abbreviating the action of an agitator important for afraid arrangement action alleged acetylcholinesterase. This agitator is capital in the accustomed manual of assumption impulses. Methamidophos is a almighty acetylcholinesterase inhibitor.
It is able adjoin chewing and sucking insects and is acclimated to ascendancy aphids, flea beetles, worms, whiteflies, thrips, banknote loopers, Colorado potato beetles, potato tubeworms, armyworms, mites, leafhoppers, and abounding others. Crop uses cover broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cauliflower, grapes, celery, amoroso beets, cotton, tobacco, and potatoes. It is acclimated away for abounding vegetables, hops, corn, peaches, and added crops . Commercially accessible formulations cover acrid concentrate, emulsifiable concentrate, wettable powder, granules, ultra-low aggregate aerosol and baptize miscible aerosol concentrate.

Generally, methamidophos is not advised phytotoxic if acclimated as directed, but confusion has occurred if activated as foliar aerosol to deciduous fruit. It is accordant with abounding added pesticides, but do not use with acrid materials. Methamidophos is hardly acerb to balmy animate and chestnut alloys. This admixture is awful baneful to mammals, birds, and bees. Do not abrade advised areas, and be abiding to abrasion careful accouterment including respirator, actinic goggles, elastic gloves, and impervious careful clothing.

