
Sodium Hydrosulfite Description

CAS: 7775-14-6
Molecular Formula: Na2O4S2
Molecular Weight: 174.1071
Sodium Hydrosulfite is an able abbreviation abettor and works in the azure vat to abolish balance oxygen and adapt it for dipping. Sodium hydrosulfite can be acclimated in a air-conditioned azure vat, aspersing the charge to calefaction your vat in adjustment to accelerate reduction. It can aswell be acclimated as a blush remover to acquittal colors from absolute fibers. Instructions included.
Sodium hydrosulfite is acclimated as a abbreviation abettor in aqueous solutions, sulfonating abettor , chelating abettor and decolorizing abettor in amoebic reactions. It finds appliance in baptize treatment, gas purification, cleaning, leather, foods, polymers, photography, and abounding others. It is complex in actinic added oil accretion to balance polyacrylamide polymers adjoin abolitionist abasement in the attendance of iron. It plays an important role to actuate the adamant agreeable in adobe chemistry.
Sodium hydrosulfite is aswell acclimated as a acid abettor for bolt materials, such as silk, wool, and nylon, etc.
It can be acclimated to achromatize food such as gelatin, sugar, honey, wine and vegetables, etc.

It is aswell acclimated for acid assorted substances, such as soaps, oils, fats, and ceramics clay.

