
Titanium tetrachloride Physical Properties

Titanium tetrachloride is awful acid to the skin, eyes, and close membranes in humans. Acute (short-term) acknowledgment may aftereffect in apparent derma burns and apparent bottleneck and binding of assorted sections of the high respiratory amplitude in humans. Acute acknowledgment may aswell accident the eyes. Diseases of the lung (pleural diseases) accept been associated with abiding (long-term) anatomic acknowledgment of titanium tetrachloride in titanium metal assembly workers. Abiding assimilation acknowledgment may aftereffect in high respiratory amplitude irritation, abiding bronchitis, cough, bronchoconstriction, wheezing, actinic pneumonitis, or pulmonary edema in humans. EPA has not classified titanium tetrachloride with account to carcinogenicity.
The actinic blueprint for titanium tetrachloride is TiCl4, and its atomic weight is 189.73 g/mol.
Titanium tetrachloride occurs as a achromatic to ablaze chicken aqueous that is acrid in algid baptize and decomposes in hot water.
Titanium tetrachloride has a biting acid odor; the odor beginning has not been established.

The vapor pressure of titanium tetrachloride is 10.0 mm Hg at 20 °C.

