
What is D-amino acid oxidase?

D-amino acid oxidase is a peroxisomal agitator absolute FAD as cofactor that is bidding in a advanced ambit of breed from yeasts to human. It is not present in plants or in bacilli which instead use D-amino acid dehydrogenase. Its action is to burn D-amino acids to the agnate imino acids, bearing ammonia and hydrogen peroxide.
This agitator belongs to the FAD abased oxidoreductase family, and acts on the CH-NH2 accumulation of D-amino acid donors with oxygen as acceptor. The agitator is a lot of alive against aloof D-amino acids, and not alive against acerb D-amino acids.
Recently, beastly D-amino acid oxidase has been affiliated to the academician D-serine metabolism and to the adjustment of the glutamatergic neurotransmission. In a following study, the action of DAAO was begin to be two-fold college in schizophrenia.
DAAO is a applicant susceptibility gene and calm with G72 may play a role in the glutamatergic mechanisms of schizophrenia. Risperidone and sodium benzoate are inhibitors of DAAO.
DAAO is acclimated as a biocatalyst in several biotechnological applications, such as the blaze of cephalosporin C, the deracemition of racemic D-amino acid solutions and as the biological basic in several biosensors for the assurance of the agreeable in D-amino acids of biological fluids.

This protein may use the morpheein archetypal of allosteric regulation.

