
What is Cyclopentane?

Cyclopentane is a awful combustible alicyclic hydrocarbon with actinic blueprint C5H10 and CAS amount 287-92-3, consisting of a ring of 5 carbon atoms anniversary affirmed with two hydrogen atoms aloft and beneath the plane. It occurs as a achromatic aqueous with a petrol-like odor. Its melting point is 94 °C and its baking point is 49 °C. Cyclopentane is in the chic of cycloalkanes, getting alkanes that accept one or added rings of carbon atoms.
It is formed by arise cyclohexane in the attendance of alumina at a top temperature and pressure.
It was aboriginal able in 1893 by the German chemist Johannes Wislicenus.
Cyclopentane is acclimated in the accomplish of constructed resins and elastic adhesives and aswell as a alarming abettor in the accomplish of polyurethane careful foam, as begin in abounding calm accessories such as refrigerators and freezers, replacing environmentally damaging alternatives such as CFC-11 and HCFC-141b
Multiply alkylated cyclopentane (MAC) lubricants accept low animation and are acclimated in some specialty applications.

The United States produces added than bisected a actor kilograms of this actinic per year.

